Welcome Bob Dylan Fans!
Welcome to the website of The Bob Dylan Fan Club, the fan club started at Bob’s request (not to be confused with the “official” Bob Dylan Fan Club, which does not exist).
Started in June 2006, our purpose is to engage fans in exploring Bob’s music and sound, and to provide information on and forums for discussion of Bob’s current tours and projects. We focus very much on the modern-day Bob, including pages devoted to Theme Time Radio Hour, contests revolving around current Bob-related projects and releases, and current tours. We have attempted to steer this site in the direction of things that Bob talked about as important when we met him, like live performance and the concepts discussed in It Sounds Different
A 2013 upgrade to this website includes more interactive features and more opportunities for fan participation. So, even if you have been a member for a while, please create a new account and user profile. Then, check out our discussion forums, contribute where you like, and let us know other ideas you have for the site!
To join and be added to our email list (which will enable you to find out about and participate in our frequent contests and win cool stuff) we also ask that you go here and answer a few questions. It’s fun, and we post the most interesting, insightful, and amusing answers in our Get to Know Other Fans section. We’ll keep you updated through our email list on new developments, contests and more. Also, don’t forget to get connected with us on facebook, a good place for daily updates and items of interest from the Bob community. We’d like to say “thanks” to all our members and to everyone who has taken the time to send in thoughts and ideas so far. We continue to welcome your questions and suggestions, especially on the new discussion forums, and hope to keep on adding more exciting features as time goes on!
Kait and Caroline Co-Directors